Wind turbines in the distance with a green-to-blue gradient overlay, representing RELA’s commitment to renewable energy projects across regional landscapes
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RELA Prepay

Secure and build a future on your terms. Enhance your renewable energy lease by diversifying your income stream.

  • For Landowners
  • For Developers


Renewable energy leases are a valuable asset for landowners, but often result in a large proportion of their wealth tied up in that single and illiquid asset. This exposes landowners to single asset risk and does not allow for diversification or optimisation of that value.


RELA Prepay allows you to bring forward the net present value of your lease income to today. This allows you to optimise this asset, diversify risk and create liquidity for estate planning, land acquisition and business growth. Watch a video on the Prepay product here.


Diversify & grow your wealth

Based on historical returns, if the prepayment is invested today in appreciating assets such as land or stocks, your family’s wealth may be multiples relative to holding the lease over 25 years.

Flexible prepayments

It’s entirely your choice whether we prepay some or all of your future rent (you would keep the rest), so it can be customised to meet your individual financial needs.

Keep your land without risk

You continue to own your land and benefit from all the capital growth and agricultural use of your land. Your lease and relationship with the renewable energy tenant are not affected. It isn’t a loan, so is not repayable in the same way as debt.


RELA Prepay empowers you to optimise the financial potential of your lease. By receiving your income upfront, you gain the flexibility to diversify your wealth into property improvements, business growth, estate planning and land acquisition. Seize the opportunity to unlock the full value of your land assets, ensuring long-term financial security and prosperity for your family’s future.


Some landowners are reluctant to enter into renewable energy leases because of the long time frame to receive the full financial benefits.


RELA Prepay allows landowners to receive the full net present value of the lease upfront, enhancing the value proposition of the renewable energy lease at no cost or imposition to the developer.


New rent payment option

Developers can now present a new payment option to landowners via RELA Prepay, without incurring additional costs.

Neutral to developers

RELA Prepay adopts a concurrent lease structure with the rights and obligations of the existing lease remaining in place. It has been validated and established by leading developers, lawyers and banks.

Liquidity for developer landowners

For developer landowners, RELA Prepay provides liquidity to offset the cost of the land acquisition in an efficient balance sheet structure, while still benefiting from the strategic value of the land.


RELA Prepay allows developers to offer additional benefits to landowners at no cost or imposition to themselves or the project. For developer landowners it is a new source of liquidity to offset land acquisition costs.


RELA Prepay Calculator

Enter your lease details to see what a RELA Prepay could do for you.